Hear that beeping sound? Yeah, that’s me. And if you don’t pull me out of your pocket right now, I’ll die! Oops, too late. You took too long, and now I’m super dead. Stare at my pixel-y ghost on the screen and think about what you’ve done. I could be alive right now, I could have grown up into a very adorable little creature, but now I never will, thanks to your neglect. You knew the rules, after all. Give me attention, or I’ll die!
💀 Includes one (1) vinyl sticker
💀 Sticker is roughly 3″ x 3″
💀 Scratch-resistant, weatherproof, and waterproof
Our vinyl stickers are printed on Turtley Awesome premium vinyl with a permanent adhesive. Each one is coated with a protective laminate that makes them super durable & resistant to fading, scratching, tearing, and water. They can even be safely run through a dishwasher!💦
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