You’ll never catch this pastry being worried about the little stuff. He lives his life totally carefree! Uneven number of sprinkles? No big deal. Unproportional amount of filling? Meh. Icing put on when the donut was still hot and now it’s all melty? That’s fine too. There’s no way you can get this donut down!
🍩 Includes one (1) vinyl sticker
🍩 Sticker is roughly 3″ x 3″
🍩 Scratch resistant, weatherproof, and waterproof
Our vinyl stickers are printed on Turtley Awesome premium vinyl with a permanent adhesive. Each one is coated with a protective laminate that makes them super durable & resistant to fading, scratching, tearing, and water. They can even be safely run through a dishwasher!💦
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